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Let us bring your company closer to wellness: Prevention, Exercise, Education, Checkups, Incentives, Nutrition, Mental Health, & Employee Cooperation

1. Promote preventive care.
Consider offering on-site flu vaccines to employees. Encouraging and even funding vaccinations for employees has one of the clearest returns on investment.  When your employees avoid the flu, they avoid missing out on days, if not weeks, of work. We can arrange this for you with a local health clinic!

Encourage exercise.
Turn your office into an active campus.  Implement and promote a lunch hour walking club and offer incentives for employees who participate. Encourage the entire office to use the stairs. And offer discounts or partially subsidize memberships to Metamorphosis: Holistic Wellness Center LLC our affiliate company.

Emphasize education.
Brown bag luncheons or break-time seminars are prime opportunities for helping employees learn more about healthy habits. We provide workshops on cooking healthy meals, staying healthy while travelling, or quick stress management skills.  If you have the space, consider bringing in yoga, tai chi, or aerobics instructors for lunchtime classes. Keep sessions entertaining but informative, and offer incentives for employees who attend. We provide the speakers based on your requst!

Onsite wellness checkups.
One of the most innovative trends in workplace wellness is providing onsite wellness checkups. Blood pressure, Body Composition, Height and Weight. These simple regular tests reduce medical costs, and enhance a company's reputation as being a desirable place to work. We can also schedule cholesterol screenings at your facility with a local agency.

Invest in incentives.
Employee incentive programs offer rewards—financial or otherwise—for employees who engage in healthy behavior. A growing trend is to cover an additional percentage of the cost of health insurance premiums for employees who pass certain biometric markers – such as having a healthy body mass index, blood pressure, or blood sugar reading. We provide this testing!

Hone hunger options.
Everyone knows when you're hard at work it can be easy—or necessary—to quickly grab a bite from what's at hand. Offer your employees healthy meal and snack options that help fuel their performance while also meeting their nutritional needs. We can stock your lunchroom with fresh fruit, vegetables, and nut baskets once a week.  Consider replacing sodas with milk, juice, or sparkling water, and stocking snack machines with nuts, dried fruit, and other healthy options.

Provide Healthful Meals at your Business Luncheons.

We can cater your luncheons and business meeting with a variety of healthful foods and snacks. Provide you employees and partners foods that encourage productivity by providing long term energy.


8. Be mindful of mental health.
Unmanaged stress has been linked to heart disease, high blood pressure, and sleep trouble. At the workplace, it can lead to inefficiency, job dissatisfaction, and absence from work for related health conditions. We offer an employee Life Coaching assistance program for employees who require life coaching who experience excess stress, or depression symptoms. Breathing and meditation programs help to alleviate common worksite stressors.


9. Proper Body Alignment.

We know that improper body alignment while sitting at your desk can cause poor circulation, fluid loss, increased pain and an increase in injury. We can teach your employees proper body alignment and reduce the risk of carpal tunnel syndrome, chronic headaches, TMJ, lower back and neck pain.


10. Practice kindness and gratitude.

Make sure your employees know how much you value them. Anyone who is in the workforce knows how hard it is to find great employees. Let them know through verbal affirmation or celebration of accomplishments.




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