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Relationship/Career/Family/Money​/Balance/Health & Body​


A Certified Holistic Life Coach, will work with your clients on a variety of levels. People are experiencing life on a multitude of levels and often become out of balance in one area or another. These imbalances can lead to serious challenges in one’s life, as well as in their relationships with others. This can ultimately lead a person into major obstacles in pursuit of their personal and professional goals.


Effect on the BODY, or physical level, we will be working with what is happening with your client’s physical experience. You will coach your clients to create environments and action plans that support their physical goals and desires for a healthy and thriving body.


Effect on the MIND or mental level, we will work with your clients to uncover the underlying limiting beliefs and patterns that cause physical manifestations such as a headache or other signs of stress. You will coach your clients to create and incorporate new thoughts, beliefs and actions that are aligned with their values, goals and desires.




As a holistic person, you shatter the illusion of your separateness and reveal your connection to everything. This empowers you in a way that the ego-driven self could never contemplate - Dr. Wayne Dyer


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